Thursday, September 11, 2008

Week 4

When I first turned this video on, I had no idea what to expect because the instructions gave no explanation about it. It was a science video that rapped about gravity, a Higgs model, and about the LHC. To be honest, I am not a science fan. However, the further this video got along the more my head was bouncing around. I ended up enjoying the video, and I even remembered a little about it as I stated above. Had the video not been interesting, I would have had to watch it again.
It is true that most students have a subject that they hate. That subject may be hard for a student to grasp, and may be even more difficult for them to retain the information they must learn. However, by implementing fresh and fun ideas to the subject, it is possible to change that. To me, it is much easier to remember something when it is depicted in an interesting lesson.

1 comment:

Bob Wakeman said...

I'm wondering if you saw the same movie that was assigned. The movie name is "Shift Happens" and speaks to the radical change in how information is created and share with colleagues. See me.