Friday, October 31, 2008

week 11

iPods are found everywhere these days. They are even popping up in schools and universities everywhere for educational purposes. Foreign language and music lessons are being taught more and more with this device. It's portability and digital content storage make it a great educational tool. Duke University incorporated iPod use for brief descriptions of selected courses. the recording capabilities generated a high level of student and teacher interest and was the most used feature for academic purposes. the academic uses of an iPod at Duke fell into five major categories which include course content dissemination tool, classroom recording tool, field recording tool, study support tool, and file storage and transfer.
The benefits of the iPod are numerous. So many students complain about the number of items they need to bring to class. The iPod reduces the amount of physical materials needed. It also reduces the dependence on lab or library locations and hours. It also enhances the support for individual learning preferences and needs. Even though the iPod has many advantages there are still some barriers. Two of these barriers are that some recordings aren't sufficient quality for use in some academic contexts and many teachers and students lack the knowledge of iPod functionality.

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